Guest Blogger: Mysteries of the Opposite Sex

The Mysteries of the Opposite Sex

by: Kim Cass, Lux Magazine

Women and men are different. Our hormones are different, our brains are wired differently, and our emotional needs very are different. We see the world through different eyes. The sooner we accept it, the better off we’ll all be. Whether you are single or married, universal truths about the opposite sex remain the same. We asked around to some of our readers and friends for some insight.

What Men Wish Women Knew:

You have more power over us than you think, when you look at us with those eyes! ~ Scott

We men can be just as self-conscious about how we look as women. ~Nick

For all the dating tips and guidelines you girls read in your magazines, there’s always exceptions. Nothing is black and white. Things aren’t always universal, across the board. We are all different. ~ Grant

Crying is blackmail. Stop it. ~ Aaron

How come you wear push-up bras, then complain when we stare at your chest? ~Brian

We can’t read your minds. Sometimes you need to tell us what you are thinking. ~ Mike

We men are very visual. We like a flash of skin and sexy peeks here and there. But we are not about looks only. ~ Don

Please don’t ask us if your butt looks big in that outfit. That can’t end well. ~Tim

We love the curve of your back, the smell of your hair, your legs in high heels and the softness of your skin. It melts us. ~ Craig

How come relationships are never as hot as they are the first couple months? ~ Jake

What Women Wish Men Knew:

If we are sad or upset about something, we just want you to sit next to us, or hold us and listen. You don’t have to “fix” it. ~ Carrie

Telling us “I love you” immediately after sex doesn’t count. ~Jen

Call if you say you will. Do what you say. Have integrity. ~ Donna

It’s called monthly hormones. And no, it doesn’t mean we are “crazy” ~ Anna

Want more sex? We love to feel appreciated, it’s the quickest way to get us in bed. Not with beer. ~ Dina

Yes, we have eyes in the back of our heads. We saw you checking that girl out.  ~ Shelly

It’s not cute when you stalk us on facebook, send half naked photos of yourself  and harass us online- especially the married men. Some guys get bold and hide behind the anonymity of the Internet. ~ Lauren

Understand the sexual makeup of a female. We are mental creatures. We view sex differently than men. We need to feel secure and loved when we have sex. For the best sex, we have to be stimulated mentally, physically and emotionally. ~ Diane

If you want to really understand us, try being friends with us first. ~ Caryn

Just be honest with us. It leaves less room for confusion, and we promise to be honest back. ~Melanie

According to, studies show that happiness is contagious and that potential dates find it hard to walk away from happy people. One of the biggest turn-offs during a date is negativity. So be positive and attract it into your life! (fake it on the days you aren’t feelin’ it)

What’s funny is the way many of us women are raised, to wait for our knight in shining armor to come galloping in on his horse- the Happily Ever After scenario. I have news for you: he’s not coming. So come away from the window before you catch a chill. Yes, there are wonderful men out there, but a little dose of reality is in order here. None of us is perfect  (ok, including us girls) and his armor is a little tarnished.

Speaking of Happily Ever After, we all enjoy a beautiful wedding. It’s a fresh start for a new life together as a couple, there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it seems as if the emphasis is put on the flowers, dress and cake, with little thought into what it takes to sustain a healthy, long term relationship. The real work comes after the vows! Remember that the next time you see an episode of Bridezilla. The poor dears have no idea!

If you still feel confused by all this (yeah, we are too) why not browse Amazon for a few self-help books on the subject? Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus is a famous title that comes to mind, by Dr. John Gray. It actually makes sense. It helps us when we miss the mark on trying to figure out the mysteries of the opposite sex! Try it and get back to us! Or, in a pinch, grab a cup of coffee with one of your closest friends and ponder the mysteries of the opposite sex together. Here’s a link to a great site: Gray even has a new advice book out soon to order!  Where’s my credit card?

All in all, it’s ok to have a little mystery between us. As a woman, I can say: we love you men just the same. And we know you love us right back. We saw you looking when we walked by. Remember: we have eyes in the back of our heads.

Kim Cass, writer for Lux Magazine, can be contacted via email at For more information regarding Lux, as well as fabulous resources, decorating ideas, and thrifty shopping tips, visit Lux Magazine’s website: and on Facebook:

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6 Responses to Guest Blogger: Mysteries of the Opposite Sex

  1. l says:

    love, love! thanks for posting the article! keep up the great work lovely heather!

  2. l says:

    Kim here- thanks for posting! keep up the great work lovely Heather! love your blog! x x

  3. Heather says:

    You are such a sweetheart, Kim! Thank you so much for the article! And for the love! <3

  4. Theresa says:

    Great article Kim!

  5. Love the article <3

  6. Love this article<3

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